;--------------------------------------------------------------------- [characters] ;how to add characters ;--------------------- ;use the format: ; charname, stagefilename ; ;eg. for a player with filename "kfm", ; and stage filename "stages/mybg.def" ;type (without the semicolon): ; kfm, stages/mybg.def ; ;if you want to load a different def file, you can enter it ;as a directory plus the def file. this example loads up ;chars/kfm/alt-kfm.def: ; kfm/alt-kfm.def, stages/mybg.def ; ;if you put "random" as the stagefilename, then a random stage will ;be selected for that player. eg. ; kfm, random ; ;zipped characters are also supported (experimental). ;place the zip file in the chars/ directory. the name of the ;character's .def must match the name of the .zip. for example, if ;you have suave.def, then the zip file should be named suave.zip: ; suave.zip, stages/mybg.def ; ;optional parameters may follow on the same line, separated ;by commas. each parameter has the form: ; paramname = paramvalue ;where paramname is the name of the parameter type, and ;paramvalue is the value to assign that parameter. ;the optional parameters are: ; ; - music ; set the paramvalue to the name of the music file to use ; as the bgm for that character. this overrides the bgmusic ; parameter in the stage's .def file, so you can re-use the ; same stage for multiple characters, but have a different ; bgm playing for each person. ; ; - includestage ; set the paramvalue to 0 to avoid including this stage ; in the stage select list (in vs, training modes, etc) ; ; - order ; set the paramvalue to the ordering priority to give the ; character. valid values are from 1 to 10. a smaller value ; means you will fight the character sooner. you will never ; fight an order 2 character before an order 1 character, ; and never an order 3 character before an order 2 one. ; for example, you might want to set your boss character ; to have order=3. the default order value is 1 if you omit ; this param. see *.maxmatches under [options] for how to ; limit the number of matches per order priority. ; ; some examples: ; kfm, stages/mybg.def, includestage=0 ; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3 ; kfm, stages/mybg.def, music=sound/song.mp3, includestage=0 ; kfm, stages/mybg.def, order=3 ; ;you can also add a randomize icon to the select screen. to do ;this, put the word "randomselect" on a line of its own, with no ;extra parameters. ; ;insert your characters below. ;Tag def files...ctrl + c to copy spiderman/spiderman_tag.def,stages/bugle.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 cyclops/cyclops_tag.def,stages/dangerroom.def, includestage=0 capamerica/capamerica_tag.def,stages/mshcapam.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 magneto/magneto_tag.def,stages/magneto_stage.def, includestage=0 ,order=5 cable/cable_tag.def,stages/bluemvc.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 venom/venom_tag.def,stages/web.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 rogue/roguesp_tag.def,stages/showdown.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 blackheart/blackheart_tag.def,stages/blackheart_stage.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 psylocke/psylocke_tag.def,stages/express.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 wolverine/wolverine_tag.def,stages/wolvmsh.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 thor/thor_tag.def,stages/asgard_bifrost.def, includestage=0 ,order=4 ironman/ironman_tag.def,stages/ironman_stage.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 omegared/omegared_tag.def,stages/the_deep.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 marrow/marrow_tag.def,stages/manhattan_night.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 silversamurai/silversamurai_tag.def,stages/silversamurai_stage.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 captain_commando/captain_commando_tag.def,stages/code_red.def , includestage=0 ,order=3 rubyheart/rubyheart_tag.def,stages/manhattanmvs.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 storm/storm_tag.def,stages/storm_stage2.def, includestage=0, order=2 warmachine_mvc/warmachine_tag.def,stages/avengersmvc.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 hulk/hulk_tag.def,stages/hulk_stage.def, includestage=0 sabretooth/sabretooth_tag.def,stages/alaska.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 0senti/0senti_tag.def,stages/genosha.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 gambit/gambit_tag.def,stages/cataract.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 colossusex/colossusex_tag.def,stages/mutant_hunting.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 iceman/iceman_tag.def,stages/iceman_stage.def, includestage=0 ,order=2 shumag/shumag_tag.def,stages/msh_shuma.def, includestage=0 ,order=0 guido/guido_tag.def, stages/bathroom2mvc.def, includestage=0 ,order=3 juggy/juggy_tag.def,stages/puerto.def, includestage=0 ,order=4 doom/doom_tag.def,stages/drdoombg.def, includestage=0 ,order=6 thanos/thanos_tag.def,stages/thanos_stage.def, includestage=0 ,order=7 ;----------------------- [extrastages] ;put extra stages here. they will be available in vs and watch modes. ;for example, you can insert "stages/mybg.def". stages/bugle.def stages/dangerroom.def stages/mshcapam.def stages/magneto_stage.def stages/bluemvc.def stages/web.def stages/showdown.def stages/blackheart_stage.def stages/express.def stages/wolvmsh.def stages/asgard_bifrost.def stages/ironman_stage.def stages/the_deep.def stages/manhattan_night.def stages/silversamurai_stage.def stages/code_red.def stages/manhattanmvs.def stages/storm_stage2.def stages/avengersmvc.def stages/hulk_stage.def stages/alaska.def stages/genosha.def stages/cataract.def stages/mutant_hunting.def stages/iceman_stage.def stages/msh_shuma.def stages/bathroom2mvc.def stages/puerto.def stages/drdoombg.def stages/thanos_stage.def stages/avalon.def stages/evilhq.def stages/mall.def stages/dol_ts.def stages/moon.def stages/sinister.def stages/oil.def stages/drealmmvc.def stages/wilymvc.def stages/valleymvs.def stages/showdownmvs.def stages/stpetmvc.def stages/astral.def stages/spiral_stage.def stages/nycmvc.def stages/space_port.def stages/hilltop.def ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- [options] ;here you set the maximum number of matches to fight before game ends ;in arcade mode. the first number is the number of matches against ;characters with order=1, followed by order=2 and order=3 respectively. ;for example, for 4,3,1 you will fight up to 4 randomly-picked ;characters who have order=1, followed by 3 with order=2 and 1 with ;order=3. arcade.maxmatches = 6,6,4,1,1,1,1,0,0,0 ;maximum number of matches to fight before game ends in team mode. ;like arcade.maxmatches, but applies to team battle. team.maxmatches = 1,4,4,2,1,1,1,0,0,0